Essay On The Constitution Anti-Federalists And The Role Of Government

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Jason Rochon Robert G. Marbut Jr, Ph.D Government 2305-126 28 August 2015 The Constitution, Federalists, Anti-Federalists and the Role of Government The role of government has always been a debated topic no matter what civilized nation you live in. Currently, we see armed conflicts going on all over the world due to discord over governments and governmental policies. Our own nation experienced a civil war due to disagreements over government and the role it plays over its citizens. This debate has been present since the formation of our government and can be considered the motive behind the formation of the Constitution and Bill of Rights. A government is a governing body of a nation or state. How far does this governing body’s power extend is where the debate begins. It is my belief that a government should protect the rights and freedoms of its people through laws and legislature created for and voted on by its citizens. In general, this view is the common opinion of the people of America. The details of these rights and freedoms and how the government may affect them has led to a rift between our citizens and the formation of political parties. Before the Constitution was ever created we saw citizens separate into political factions called the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists. These factions and their …show more content…

This faction were in support of adopting a constitution that favored strong central government. They believed that many of the problems the country faced were due to the weaknesses in central government created by the Articles of Confederation. Their belief that only the “elites” were fit to govern is based on the idea of elitism where those in positions of power were considered fit to govern rather than those without. It is of no surprise that the Federalists tended to be property owners, creditors, and merchants. This group in general were the