Essay On The Cost Of College Education

902 Words4 Pages

Travis Fisher
Instructor Steven Freeman
English 102
December 1, 2016
Is Higher Education Worth the Cost?
In modern day America, college students are in thousands upon thousands of dollars in debt. In 2015, there were approximately 20.2 million college students whose debt averaged out to $28,950 (, par 1). Many people today argue whether or not college education is worth it. These people believe that it is too expensive, a waste of time, and that there are many jobs in America that do not require any college education, whereas there is another group of people who believe that college education is basically needed in order to survive on your own. Even though there may be decent jobs that people can get without college education, they are very limited. It has been proven that with a college degree, people, on average, are paid more, have more experience, get more working opportunities, and are more likely to enjoy their job, which is why it is very important to receive some sort of college degree.
One of the main arguments of …show more content…

The study proved that on average, people with a bachelor’s degree live 9 years longer than people with only a high school diploma. This study was completed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics. One of the many reasons that people with bachelor’s degrees live longer is because 31% of the people between the ages of 24-65 who have a high school diploma are smokers, however, only roughly 9% of people between ages 24-65 who have a bachelor’s degree are smokers. It also help people maintain a happier lifestyle. It has also been shown that people with bachelor’s degrees are more confident, enjoy their desired job, and tend to have less stress (, par