Essay On The Dawes Allotment Act

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The Indian Problem started around the 18th century. Indians have never been a fan favorite during this time, any chance they got the government would try to get rid of them some way. Of course, not everyone felt this way but most did. It was always this two side thing some thought Indians should be left alone while others were trying to get rid of them as soon as possible. Acts like Indian Appropriations were meant to actually help the Indians, but other acts were meant to hurt them. The Dawes Act assigned allotments of land to individual Indians, gave training and education to the adults and kids, while keeping a watchful eye on the Indians lifestyle.The Dawes Allotment Act was meant to help/protect the Indians Americans the law was organized …show more content…

The background of this act was all about property and land. This act was meant to help protect the Indians land during the land rush time period. But it was also another reason this act was talked about or even put into motion. They wanted the Indians to migrate into American society by changing everything about their lifestyles from cultures to customs. They wanted the Indians to turn into farmers and settlers which was the business that’s was starting to flourish at this time. But the reason all this stuff with the Indian and their land goes all the way back to the Indian removal act which was under President Andrew Jackson who didn't like the Indians very well and evicted them all from their land and made them travel all the way to Oklahoma. So fast forward to 50 years and the same things are happening again. The purpose of this act was to help persuade the Indians, if they give them their land back in exchange for them to pretty much reject their former tribes. The Dawes Act was named after U.S Senator of Massachusetts Henry L. Dawes who signed off on the act. You think he seemed like he was maybe trying to help the situation with the Indians and make it better for them but it was actually the total opposite. He actually

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