Essay On The Everglades

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When someone thinks about the Everglades they believe that the Everglades is a marsh or even a swamp but nothing more. The Everglades is vibrant with its variety of animals and attractions for children all the way to adults but no one really knows what lies behind the magic of it all. The Everglades is a secure national park located in South Florida, not only does this famous place bring visitors each day but as well different species of animals but not every single animal that contains is habitat in The Everglades provides wellness to its community. Recently, there have been dangerous threats of Burmese Pythons roaming The Everglades eating everything in its sight. As it says in the article Are The Everglades Forever? "Reports from just …show more content…

The food chain is necessary for a ecosystem to survive without a food chain our whole order will fall apart. As for an example stated by the article Are the Everglades Forever? " a rabbit eats grass, a snake comes along and eats the rabbit, and a hawk dives down to eat the snake. " Food chains have been around for as long as we can remember and not only do animals and plants depend on it but as well humans. Each time there is a new animal or plant introduced into the food chain there is more added "Bio …show more content…

Let's overlook Florida for a second. As mentioned before Burmese Pythons and Anacondas seem to be overruling The Everglades and causing harm to our ecosystem which is a strenuous problem. Both of these reptiles can reach up to 20 feet. With such size these reptiles have few predators meaning their numbers grow within little to keep them under control. These large snakes have competed with alligators food and remarkably even made a meal out of the alligator. These reptiles cannot be stopped at this point, they have crippled the populations of rabbits, foxes, bobcats and opossums controlling the food web so much that it has fallen

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