Essay On The Everglades

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Have you ever wondered about the significant meaning of Florida's Everglades? These swamps have an important purpose to the ecosystem. A large variety of things depends upon Florida's Everglades. But a portion of the community ruin the marsh by building property onto it, which puts animals at risk. The Everglades obtain value because a large population of different animals rely on it, many humans also rely on the Everglades, and it also involves interesting qualities. To begin with, these swamps provide habitat for a large population of animals that occupy the Everglades. Many animals live in the Everglades for shelter and food. In the food chain, a variety of species and plants rely on each other. The food chain allows biodiversity into the ecosystem. "Biodiversity is a good thing. Having many different kinds of plants and animals means that species have different choices for survival... if, for instance, snakes could only eat rabbits, and hawks could only eat snakes- then both snakes and hawks would die out..." In accordance with this piece of information from, "Are the Everglades Forever? ", it's a really good thing to have such a large …show more content…

There are many amazing species and plants to see that you rarely see. You can also discover new things as you visit. "So, between focused efforts by scientists and the public alike to help stop invasive species from taking over and efforts like the CERP to improve the Everglades’ landscape, improvement is possible. As the Everglades become a more livable environment, it will be easier for species to recover along with the land. And, as the ecosystem finds a balance, humans will be able to keep using the land’s resources, both for work and play." In accordance with this piece from," Are the Everglades Forever?" The community can help improve the Everglades together. Humans can also go to recreations and participate in entertaining and pleasant

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