Essay On The Gilded Age

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During the outreach of the 19th century, the time known as The Gilded Age, a historical time in which immigration, corruption, manipulation and innovation happened all at once. The term “The Gilded Age”, was coined by Mark Twain a famous writer at the time. He founded the term by the definition of gilded, which is defined as “covered thinly with gold leaf or gold paint.” Mark Twain was known for writing about the 19th century and revealing to the public what really was behind the curtains. As to his most known writing, A Tale of Today (1873), revealed to the public the horrors that were happening beneath their very nose. The Gilded Age was a time in which war was right around the corner, it lead many immigrants from Europe, Asia, Russia and ever Scotland, to leave their home country and go find a new place to live without the worries of poverty or war. During that time America was the talk of the town as everyone thought it was a paradise Island hearing about riches, …show more content…

The Triangle Shirtwaist factory was one of many who had to deal with such strikes, and all decided to take action by calling the authorities. The police would come rushing down the streets towards the strike and beat every single worker, many died, some were beaten nearly to death. Not many strikes followed after the point was thrown across, that no one could stand up to the company. Nothing had changed for the workers, the hours all were the same and work even pilled up much more as people began losing interest in the Shirtwaist dresses. But what did change was that the Shirtwaist Company locked the only emergency exit in order to avoid anyone leaving the

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