Essay On The Great Depression In America

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According to Simone M. Caron, during the great depression, the longest and deepest depression in the history of the USA from 1929 until 1939, so many changes occurred in all fields which led to people losing their jobs and not being able to support their families, thus, more and more Americans learned about birth control and used it as a manner to limit family size, therefore the population. As stated by Staff, the great depression has arisen shortly after the stock market crash in October 1929 as consumer lost confidence in the stock market crash and decreased their spending, which piled up merchandise and slowed the production rate and caused businesses to fire their workers and throughout the years it became worse and worse. …show more content…

Halfway through the depression, a great percentage of men were jobless and simply unable to care for their numerous offspring and wives. According to “Changing Attitude”, unplanned pregnancies were more a burden on many poor couples and it got harder on the husbands as their wives continued to get pregnant. Consequently, families got introduced and practiced to birth control to plan their family size based on their financial condition. With time, more and more Americans learned about birth control and the great depression was their motive to start practicing family planning as an acceptable way of limiting the number of children. They treated it as a way to manage and put an end to the overpopulation and save many poor families from the obligation of financially taking care of unwanted and unexpected children. With that being said, birth control was no longer considered an unapproachable method to control the size of a family as it was used frequently by couples whereas attitudes towards birth control began to change within churches, the government, the medical field and the

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