Essay On The Minister's Black Veil

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Does Appearance Say Anything About the Type of Person You Are? We can all say that we’ve judged people at first glance. Your appearance can say a lot about who you are. There are many situations in which people are being judged wrongfully. In the Minister's Black Veil by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Mr. Hooper was being unfairly judged by the black veil he was wearing. I, as well, have judged people unfairly by what they were wearing, but for good reasons. In my opinion, appearance directly links to the type of person you are as shown in the Minister's Black Veil, with the actions people showed towards Mr. Hooper's new look as well as my own experiences. Mr. Hooper was a good man, still young in age, a pastor in a small town, and with a wife. One day, when Mr. Hooper was heading to do his daily routine(heading to church to run his services) there was something different about him. As stated best in the Minister's Black Veil, “Swathed about his forehead, and hanging down over his face, so low as to be shaken by his breath, Mr. Hooper had on a black veil” (Hawthorne 3). A black veil that covered all of his face. Something so unusual cast upon his face. At first glance, people started whispering between each other about Mr. Hooper’s mysterious black veil. Mr. Hooper had a purpose for this black veil, but no one knew what that …show more content…

For instance, walking by people and seeing that they are fully clothed with there head covered with a hijab. You would know that they are conservative people. Taking into consideration the Minister's Black Veil, you would know Mr. Hooper was a priest by the clothes he was wearing. Although sometimes our judgement may be wrong, just like the people were towards Mr. Hooper's black veil. In these types of situations it can be said that appearance isn’t directly linked to the type of person you are, but in most cases, it