Essay On The Tabernacle

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The Israelites stayed at Mt. Sinai for more than a year. During this time, they were occupied chiefly in learning the many details of the law which they were to follow. One of the most important developments that took place was the building of the Tabernacle, the chief purpose of which was to represent God as dwelling in the midst of his people, and it is a type and shadow of Jesus Christ, who was to come.

The Tabernacle itself stood in the very center of the camp, enclosed by a substantial wall. This was where God was to meet his people. The principal act of the Tabernacle worship was the slaying of the sacrificial animals. As said, it is a type and shadow of Jesus’s coming, and was not understood until he did come that the …show more content…

Like all other items it was very costly. At the end of the central shaft were lamps that contained oil. The branches and the shaft were beaten into series of knobs, bowls, and flowers. An equal number of these consisted each branch. There was no natural light there, for there were no windows. From it was the only light that the priest had to perform his sacred duties. The Altar of Incense was a small piece of furniture, 1 ½ by 1 ½ feet, three feet high, made of wood and overlaid with gold. On the altar was continual fire. Each morning and every evening when Aaron the priest went in to care for the lamps of the Golden Candlestick, he offered prayer for the people and burned sweet-smelling incense on the Golden Altar. The horns were at the four corners of the altar. These were also made of wood and overlaid gold. The Golden Crown was placed on the top of the Altar of Incense. The altar was placed just before the place of God’s habitation, “The Holy of Holies.” The fire was taken from the Brazen Altar. The Table of Shewbread, 1 ½ feet by 2 ½ feet high by three feet long, was where the unleavened showbread was placed. The bread was made of fine flour without

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