Essay On The Worst Hard Time

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The Worst Hard Time

The Worst Hard Time

The Worst Hard Time, written by New York TImes’s Timothy Egan in 2006. The book takes place during a time called “The Dirty Thirties” or “the Great American Dust Bowl” a time which spanned about 10 years with very severe dust storms and drought, which estimated to have caused over $30 billion dollars worth of damage by today’s standards. The dust storms, however, were not the result of mother nature but rather the result of the industrializing world and surplus of crops which flooded the market, soon after farmers were unable to make the profit from selling their crops and slowly lost money until they could not afford to keep their land fertile. Thus causing a barren wasteland where their crops were. The timing of the Dust Bowl was also rather untimely since it occurred during the Great Depression, the longest lasting economic slump in the history of the United …show more content…

Furthermore, The Worst Hard Time influenced my opinions and curiosity about American history, and makes me ask questions like “Why were things like the Dust Bowl swept under the rug even though they are important topics?” and “What other events like the Dust Bowl were not given any attention?” However it did not change my opinion about America since it gave me no sense of nationalism, but it did change my feelings on the American people, how they are determined to pursue their goals and determined not to lose what they already

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