Essay On Three Branches Of Nevada Government

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Three Branches US and Nevada Government
The political setting for the Constitutions of Nevada and the US is three branches of power executive, legislative and judicial with a checks and balances system, in place to reinforce the tripartite separation of power. Nevada’s Constitution limits government with voter participation in making and abiding by the state laws and it is based on the theory of natural rights by the philosopher John Locke. It is broken down into the divisions of power that govern in the “Declaration of Rights” along with a Bill of Rights; furthermore, it includes the three branches of power and checks and balances, federalism, a limited power of the government, judicial supremacy, …show more content…

In order to deal with the Madisonian Dilemma individual rights are protected under the constitutional law. Individual property rights are protected in Nevada under the state constitution much more so than with the federal constitution, as well as other rights such as, the
“liberty of conscience” which ensures freedom of speech and religion, thoughts (conscience) and action. These are all assured by the state constitution which in fact are only “implied” by the US
Constitution. This also depends on the interpretation by the Supreme Court on these various issues.Nevada is very unique in the way that people want to be independent and self-reliant and they have a non-regulatory view of politics, so it fares well with the meaning of constitutionalism which equates to “limited government”. After all, Nevada has both legal gaming, prostitution and has recently voted on allowing the sale of recreational marijuana to further enhance the state’s economy. Federally it is illegal to possess, use, buy, sell or cultivate marijuana.

A Lengthy Constitution
The 1864 Nevada Constitution is lengthier than the US Constitution. The Nevada
Constitution has been amended over 130 times which gives us a perspective on the …show more content…

Const. art. 2 sec.2).
Nevada’s Legislature
Every two years, the Nevada bicameral legislature meets in biennial sessions (120 days) which is problematic at best for budgets and revenue allotment. The population growth and economy effect this tremendously, as does the weak tax base. Basically, it is a part time legislature as compared to the federal government with Congress in session full time. Nevada is strict in enforcing and overseeing local government. Article 11 of the Nevada Constitution establishes education and is where one of the principles of federalism is found. Gaming and gambling are both regulated under Nevada laws and regulations there is a Gaming Policy
Committee, a Nevada Gaming Commission, The Gaming Control Board, and even a “Black
Book” of people prohibited from going into any Nevada casino.
Nevada Voters or the Merit Plan?
Recent attempts to move Nevada to the Merit Plan have included these: in 1972, 1988, voters rejected proposals for a merit plan and again in 2010 a plan was submitted to Nevadan voters but was rejected by a 58-42 margin. That plan was approved by legislature in 2007 and