Essay On Victimization In Survival Atwood

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Atwood’s novels are examined in many context whether culture historical or even social, which explores the victimization of women. Victimization includes anything that affects women’s survival, specifically, victimization through physical, psychological, and economic manipulation. Survival is also taken in the broadest sense. It includes both physical and spiritual survival "as anything more than a minimally human being" (Atwood Survival 33). In Survival, Atwood presents four "Basic Victim Positions," which include denying victimization, acquiescing in victimization, repudiating victimization, and becoming a creative non-victim" (36-39). Recognition of victimization deals with Atwood’s initial two "positions " when a woman admit that she is a victim. Rejection of being victim is concerned with Atwood’s final two "positions" when a victim learns to fight victimization, and perhaps, succeeds well enough to live as a fully functioning, "creative non-victim" (38).
Terms like ‘victimization’, ‘survival’, and ‘struggle’ seem to be politically biased, but Atwood masterfully shows how these terms are not hyperbolic. She …show more content…

The focal point in her novels is to show that her protagonists are not passive and static objects to be acted upon, but dynamic subjects who can choose their future and situate themselves in the appropriate norm. Through multi narratives, one can see the topic from another point of view, or it can be other perspectives as a critical insight to the inner character, which creates a harmony between the novel and the reader to feel that character must survive. It makes the reader finds ways in subplots or in any details that help the character to get better as well as the author attempt to make her characters survive. On the other hand, multi-narratives technique helps the reader to see himself from another point of view, self-knowledge is way to survive ,as you he see himself in the mirror, his suffering, his pain that helps to achieve

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