Essay On Water In Canada

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Based on the findings of fact, it is recommended that the federal government takes an open approach to the policy issue of quality water on reserve for First Nations’ communities. Aboriginal peoples’ perspectives on the issue should be taken into consideration. It is apparent that there is a need to design and implement a new federal policy that would ensure, protect and regulate quality water on reserves. Canada should have a policy outlining the federal standards and the binding regulations to governing First Nations’ fresh water. The policy should be explicitly state water as a right. The policy should provide that the right is inherent and cannot be infringed or limited under any circumstances. Consultation with First Nations Communities Consultation is an important aspect to solving the issue of providing proper water infrastructure for on-reserve First Nations communities. The government should not throw money at the problem. Instead, the state should …show more content…

Likewise, the Government of Canada is required to uphold its obligation of providing access to quality water on reserves and ensure that water services are supported. As proposed earlier, the government should draft and implement a federal policy that explicitly states water as a right that should be guaranteed to everyone. The policy should provide that the right is inherent and cannot be infringed or limited under any circumstances. To ensure that this policy is implemented properly, the government needs to be transparent with its funds and be held accountable. In Canada’s Violations of the Human Right to Water, Meera Karunananthan and Johanna Willows affirm that “the implementation of human right to water requires public access to information and participation in decision-making regarding water and water services.” Therefore, statistical data should be made readily available to the public to

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