
Essay On Water Pollution In Cuba

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Water Pollution

Since Cuba is a primary tourist state with many industries, it creates tons of waste annually. In a year, roughly about 113.5 gallons of seawater are subject to the dumping of agricultural, industrial, and urban waste. Furthermore, 864 gallons of water in lakes and rivers throughout the country is also contaminated. A large part of the contamination comes from the ground after plants and trees have been soaked in fertilizers, insecticides, and herbicides. The chemicals are absorbed into the ground and travel into surrounding bodies of water. This makes sense as Cuba’s warm climate is ideal for farming and makes up a large part of its economic well being. Moreover, industrial liquids have recently been reported of being dumped directly into the water. The contamination that occurs due to the nickel industry is one of the most serious contributors of water pollution in Cuba. Roughly about 3 gallons of chemicals from only one of the three nickel factories are dumped into the …show more content…

Prison conditions in Cuba are inhuman and degrading. Prisoners are subject to vindictive measures of deterrence. Prisoners are basically treated like animals. This is a preeminent concern in Cuba because it violates the country’s responsibilities under the Convention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Recently. Cuba restricted access of the prisons to the international human rights monitors and the International Committee of the Red Cross. The justice system is heavily overworked and this caused it to try and finish up cases as quickly as possible. This causes many innocent people to be behind bars and makes it easier for people to be framed for crimes for crimes they didn't commit. This is important to Cuba because it tarnishes its image in the international perspective. Also, Cuba wants to become more humanitarian and ending prison torture is a good place to

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