Essay On Welfare Drug Testing

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Recently, the state legislators have been trying to pass a law that welfare recipients must pass a drug test in order to receive welfare assistance. Drug tests are used to identify any controlled substances or illegal drugs one might be using or abusing for instance, cocaine, methamphetamines, amphetamines, opiates, and marijuana. There are many testing techniques that can be used to detect if one is misusing drugs, such as urine samples, hair strand samples, and blood tests. Spending the government’s money along with the taxpayer’s money is costly, which is a big disadvantage for the state legislators, to require people who are eligible for welfare assistance to pass a drug test. However, if a child is in a family who really needs assistance like food stamps, government funded insurance, public housing, and electronic benefit transfer (EBT) but the parent is misusing drugs, the innocent child suffers. I am a firm believer that since the working class is subject for random drug testing prior to being hired or during employment, welfare recipients should have to pass a drug test to get a welfare check. This reduces government fraud, saves money, and even reduces dependency on drugs. Drug testing could reduce government fraud, which …show more content…

Some people are not able to work because they may be physically disabled, mentally impaired, or take care of a mentally disabled sibling. Some people are prescribed illegal drugs such as, medical marijuana to function throughout the day, so they would fail the drug test, of course. However, certain situations that require people to take drugs that will be detected in a drug test should still be allowed to receive welfare benefits because they really need them. Many families go without food, a home, and die from debilitating illnesses because the people who do not want to work abuse the system and ruin it for a family who deserves and needs

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