Essay On Welfare Reform

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Similarly, the law plays a major role in the existed of these programs. The practice of poverty law focuses on ensuring that poor have fair access to government assistance programs. Lawyers advocate for legal changes that help the poor receive the benefits that they need .They also, address the policies and injustice laws that have been passed to target those in poverty. As we see today in our local news, there are attempts to end certain programs or decrease funding that is allotted to programs that help those in need. Donald Trump administration wants to review welfare reform due to his belief of people taking advantages of the systems. As any program in the world, there will always be someone that takes advantages of the system, so who are we or how do we distinguish between those who are properly using programs versus those who are not? Its simple, we can not, so as for social workers, we are in a position to see first hand the negative effects of taking away programs and are able to advocate all the positive outcomes of keeping government programs around. Correspondingly, the same applies for lawyers, if there are concerns about people improperly using benefits, poverty lawyers will defend people that have allegations against. …show more content…

They both focus on changing polices that discriminate against those that could not advocate for themselves. Organizations such as NSW Council of Social Service, strives to work towards policy reform that allows poor people the right to live in a safe and affordable community. Additionally, NSW invest in interventions plans in the attempt to save money in the other parts of social service. On the other side, we have lawyers that are looking at the legal spectrum to ensure that low income people are not being denied to live in certain areas due to economic