Essay On Why College Athletes Should Not Get Paid

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College sports collect millions of dollars each year:Approximately around 40 million dollars a year, states and universities make. You would think that the amount of money that is made would get split between the franchises ,students and schools but unfortunately the students that play receive none of it.Theres many discussions on if college athletes should or should not get paid and because they already receive scholarships then they shouldn 't get paid. Scholarships in itself is “around 25,000-30,000 per year for example a student who 's division 1 thats over 100,000 for 4 years of college(Hartnett 1)”.So if college athletes would start getting paid then they shouldn 't get any scholarships and they would just have to pay for it with the money they are receiving. College Athletes contribute about “43 hours a week to the sport with practices and games, that doesn’t include the school work they have to do(Edleman 1)”. There has been many debates about it and fights to get this to happen from …show more content…

It has been a debate for many years on if and why college athletes should or should not get paid.Once the season starts for the sports the questions seems to arise, and there are many interesting conversations about it.Many people feel that athletes are being used and the NCAA are making millions of dollars.These college athletes help pay a big portion of the salaries of everyone employed with the NCAA.If these executives that work for the NCAA are driving nice cars and getting paid well then they should thank their athletes for their hard work that earned the franchise lots of money.The point is if these coaches and anyone else who works with the NCAA earn tons of money from the student athletes ,then they should get some too.At least some money should be given to them so their able reward themselves for the handwork that they dedicate every week.This will also help them feel like all the hard work and dedication isn 't for nothing and that their appreciated for their