Essay On Why Do God Allow Evil

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God does not create everything to be perfect. If we would be perfect without sins, flaws, and problems then there would be no God, then we would be totally equal as God, and there would be no one higher and lower than us. There would be sinners, atheist, offenders in His own creation because simply He gave us free will. God allows evil to exist because of the free will. Humans is given their God-given freedom which is the free will, it is the power to make a decision of one individual instead of taking or having God to decide what to do.

The Bible describes God as holy, righteous, just, and sovereign tell us that these attributes about God meant that God is capable of preventing evil, and God desires to rid the universe of evil. So, why does God allow evil? If God has the power to prevent evil and desires to prevent evil, why does He still allow evil? God could change everyone’s personality so that they cannot …show more content…

Thomas' Quinque Viae for me, we can prove God's existence through the concept and idea of God itself. Why there is an idea of uncaused causer? Why there is the idea of unmoved mover? Why there is an idea of God being the necessary being? Why there is an idea of God as the perfect being? Why there is an idea of God as the intelligent designer? It is because God exist and all of those questions are answerable by the existence of God. Where St. Thomas does got the proofs of God's existence? St. Thomas' Five Ways strongly prove the existence of God, but the idea of God is already there. There are philosophers that do not believe in God have the idea of God but they refuse or just do not believe in God. Some philosophers make theories and arguments to prove why God doesn't exist but what's the point? They shouldn't and wouldn't make an argument and make theories if there is no really a God existing, but no, they have theories and arguments and that is one of the proofs that God exists because there is an idea of Him, there is an argument about