Essay On Why Race Matters

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It is not hard to believe that in today’s day and age people are actively prejudice. It is not hard to believe that people have a mindset build around the common stereotypes we see in society. IATs, implicit association tests, are designed to measure implicit associations one may have. The purpose of the tests are to understand one’s self, behavior, and attitudes. IAT and environments have a strong correlation and can predict the behaviors of an individual. The results found show that Caucasian that live in a predominantly Caucasian environment, have a high over all preference for their own race. Small exposure to Asian/Asian Americans and/ or their culture can reduce Caucasian American’s racial preference. By making an overall diverse society, we can assume that racial prejudice will decline.
Keywords: IAT
“Why race matters.”
With recent uproars on the topic of race in our society, we cannot turn a blind eye on an issue that is taking the lives of so many innocent people. It not hard to believe that in today’s day and age people are actively prejudice. It is not hard to believe that people have a mindset build around the common stereotypes we see in society. Constant exposure of one idea can become one’s own …show more content…

If Caucasian Americans are not exposed to Asian American/ Asians and their culture, they will show a stronger preference for Caucasian Americans on the IAT. The interpretation of the results can be generalized as followed: if Caucasian Americans lived in a more diverse society, or even placed themselves in a more culturally diverse setting and attempted to place themselves in a more culturally aware environment, they would show less preference towards their own race and have a more neutral preference. By having a neutral preference towards their own race, ideally people in society will be more understanding and open to those of another