Essay On Winona State University's Counselor Education Department Minority Scholarship

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I believe that I am an exceptional applicant for Winona State University’s Counselor Education Department Minority Scholarship because I have a vast amount of experiences that I have demonstrated in my education that demonstrates my commitment to mental health, the goals that I have set to achieve as a professional counselor, and what I done currently within the Clinical Mental Health Counseling program in terms of community involvement.
I chose the Counselor Education program as a graduate program because I have always had a passion for helping others succeed through their own story and experience. There are many other professions that can work in helping others such as teaching and healthcare, but I am drawn to counseling as it is one of …show more content…

An event that we held as the Hmong Organization Promoting Education, we talked about Building Our Future. This event focused on the international abusive marriages within the Hmong community and I had discussed with other Hmong male-identifying students what we could do to support the Hmong women and those who identify as Hmong LGBTQ+. From this event, I began developing my social justice identity and gradually started engaging in discussions with social justice topics such as privilege, prejudice, and many more. It eventually led me to pursuing a Racial and Ethnic studies minor that has contributed greatly to my knowledge of institutional influences and the inequalities that exist within American society. With all this previous experience that I have done, I hope to engage in discussions and events with community members and professionals in raising awareness of social justice and mental health …show more content…

In my Foundations of Counseling course, one of my classmates and I focused on the aspects of mental health in the Hmong community in general. We wanted to know more how younger generation Hmong Americans, mostly second-generation Hmong Americans, viewed mental health and their knowledge about it within the La Crosse Hmong community. We asked Hmong individuals through a survey and interviewed a few Hmong individuals in order to gain a broad understanding of what it meant for Hmong individuals to see mental health in the La Crosse Hmong community. Our results from the surveys and interviews aligned with how many Hmong individuals saw mental health as a problem within the community, but did not have the resources or skills to help Hmong individuals with mental health issues. From this project, I was able to create another project to work on with Hmong college