Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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If you had a full-time job that you didn’t get paid to do. What would you do? College athletes have athletics and schooling to keep up with. Some students may get scholarships for school or a sport in which they play, but many of these students don’t get a scholarship or any kind of pay. College student athletes should be paid to play a college sport, because of the hours they devote to the sport. College sports is not something that comes easily once you get to higher levels of play. It takes numerous hours of practice and conditioning to prepare yourself for the season. Time and effort is a big part of playing a college sport. College athletes have to be very careful, because if they ever get injured while playing they could automatically lose their scholarship. Which could cost them money if they plan on finishing out the rest of their college education (Deutsch). Keeping up with a sport and staying eligible to play that sport can be tough. When the team travels somewhere out of state and they are gonna be gone for a while the players have to keep up with all the work they missed while gone (Lemmons). Student athletes spend more hours practicing and conditioning for their sports than the do on their education. Players may get scholarships but that may not cover all their fees. …show more content…

Players spend an abundance of time every week trying to get better. College athletes do not get paid which causes them to try and move up to better (Lemmons). Without the hard working student athletes there would not be the good programs they get year after year. Without the good programs year after year there would be no income for the schools that they get from those programs. Showing dedication also means that they have to keep up their grades to get through school and to continue playing that sport. Some students have to learn things on their own while they are on the road. Keeping up with school work can be

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