Essay Why College Athletes Should Be Paid

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If you would divide the earnings of college sports between the athletes each one would get an extra $20,000 or more to have. College athletes are not allowed to get paid or take any extra benefits for playing sports due to amateurism rules, but they bring in millions of dollars to the schools.These athletes work harder and longer than most paying jobs do. Already many athletes get paid illegally to play sports for colleges, might as well make it legal. Once an athlete earns the title professional athlete then they get paid, but they had already put the work in before. College athletes bring in a substantial amount of the schools earnings, they put their lives behind the sport but yet they do not see any of this money back into their pocket. College athletes practice/ play in the games for over 43 hours a week. That is 3 more hours longer than the average work week at jobs. Many players go into sports in college not planning on going pro, only 0.05% of all college athletes will be professionals. Knowing that fact, they still try their hardest and lose out on the real education. Affecting their education effects their grades and degrees. Many athletes graduate college with lower grades and did not get the degree they wanted, therefore affecting their pay. To compensate these students should be paid at least a small sum of what they are worth to the …show more content…

Many athletes do not know how to many money sensitive things. Starting in college you learn these things, but being an athlete would limit the time and the money you would have to practice it. Paying the athletes would allow them to have money of their own that would then allow them to practice with economics and feel independent. 70% of all professional athletes that retire early go bankrupt and end of losing a lot of what the earned. College athletes do not learn the same life lessons as most college students do, but they learn different ones

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