
Esteem Theory: The Challenges Of Self And Self-Esteem

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Self esteem is just like a mirror, i.e. how a person perceives or sees himself. It is also linked with how capable or able he considers himself. Nathaniel Branden (1969) defined self-esteem as "the experience of being competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and being worthy of happiness." According to Branden, self-esteem is the sum of self-confidence (a feeling of personal capacity) and self-respect (a feeling of personal worth). According to Rosenberg Self-esteem is a positive or negative orientation toward oneself; an overall evaluation of one 's worth or value. Whereas psychologist usually regard self-esteem as an enduring personality characteristic ("trait" self-esteem), though normal, short-term variations ("state" self-esteem) also exist. Abraham Maslow talked about Esteem need in his basic hierarchical model that he presented and according to him the esteem need is the basic human need that the person strives to achieve in their life. This need includes self respect, confidence, competence and knowledge that hold them in high esteem. There are two parts that were presented in esteem need by Maslow that are reputation and self esteem. The reputation is the concept that a person achieves in the eye of others and self esteem is the person’s own feeling of worth and confidence.
The teen aged population is the one that is more striving for esteem need as they are making their identity and starting to live as individual person. The teen aged population is
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