Ethical And Legal Manual Of Shared Responsibility

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The Policies contained in this material constitute an ethical and legal manual of shared responsibilities, destined for members of the ABC Company. The nature of these policies is not meant to cover all possible situations that may occur. These policies are designed to provide a frame of reference against which to measure any activities. The ABC Company Policies will be implemented within the context of the relevant legislation and reviewed each 12 months.

The company's policies are used to ensure uniformity of behaviour into the organization, maintaining an effective communication system. Also, serves as a facilitator in decision making and protection from immediate pressures. Employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt the proper …show more content…

This development begins at the Induction stage when a new employee joins. The induction policy ensures quality and control of services. Training on policies and procedures are part of their induction. All employees will be required to follow an appropriate induction process to ensure they are equipped to do the job.

The induction objective is to support and develop employees in their role so that they feel confident to undertake the responsibilities placed upon them and ultimately are able to contribute to the success of the organisation, reducing the incidence of turnover. The Induction Programme is spread over in the first 07 days of employment. The duration of the Induction Programme may be extended. It will depend on the scope and complexity of the job. The monitoring of the new employee will be made from the application of checklists that will ensure transparency of performance and …show more content…

The checklist helps to evaluate not only new employees, but also equipment, products, and cleanliness issues in the company. The checklists have to be signed by the manager and employee, and then send to the Personal Department for inclusion in the employee’s personal file. Copies of the induction checklist and evaluation sheets will be available to the employee at the end of Induction Programme and it must be solicited in the human resource department. A checklist draft for the Induction Programme as well as a training checklist can be found in the appendices list of this edition.

The introduction checklist is useful in helping the new employee and it is used to avoid employee overload, ensuring that all relevant company areas and rules are clearly discussed. Some items covered on checklist are described in the section 1.2.1 of this file. Copies of the induction checklist and evaluation sheets will be available to the employee at the end of Induction Programme and it must be solicited in the human resource department. A checklist draft for the Induction Programme can be found in the appendices list of this