Ethical Decisions In Wells Fargo & Co.

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Luke 6:37 states, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” This verse is often more difficult to follow as there are so many catastrophic events that occur throughout our lives and throughout the business world. For example, recently Wells Fargo and Co. was caught making unethical sales by opening accounts without customer request or permission. The employees also opened credit cards for customers and those actions lead customers to have financial difficulty as they have gone to debt collectors and have had issued with their credit reports showing inaccurate information. The consequences of the employee’s actions caused many to lose their jobs as well as resulting in hefty fines for Wells Fargo Co. Customers were outraged and understandably felt that their assets were not safe with the firm. The Wall Street Journal explains, “The top executive of Wells Fargo & Co. is expected to tell a …show more content…

are not uncommon as employees often feel pressure to succeed and meet goals that have been established. The issue arises when employees start to make unethical decisions that are in their personal best interest at the time. The goals set may have been steep and the employees may have felt they were unachievable. This did not provide the employees an excuse to truly sabotage the company as well as the name of Wells Fargo Co. If the employees felt that the goals were too difficult to manage they should have spoken to their management team or tired any other ethical course of action available to them. Fortune states, “In the face of hard-to-reach objectives like Wells Fargo’s “Gr-eight” campaign, people are more likely to become morally disengaged, and to consider cheating to make the grade” (Kouchaki, 2016). While cheating and opening accounts was a fast solution, they are not facing more difficulty as they are feeling the

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