Ethical Dilemma In Physician-Assisted Suicide

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In today’s healthcare, there is an abundance of ethical issues that nobody is entirely certain how to deal with. To enumerate, every person has a different opinion on each medical issue. As a result, there is a substantial amount of confusion on how the supreme court should rule on each ethical dilemma. Yet, our heavenly Father has only one standing on each ethical issue. As a matter of fact, God has placed his rulings on these issues in His word, the …show more content…

In and of itself, suicide is never a good option. Truly, most suicidal people have a mental disorder of depression, psychosis, or bipolar disorder. Yet, there are some that have what appear to be a viable reason for physician-assisted suicide. As in the cases of cancer patients, terminally ill patients, and even quadriplegic patients. These patients often have a good reason for wanting to end their life, and their suffering, with dignity and painlessness. Often, the physician prescribes a lethal dosage of a drug to a patient, after the patient has been cleared of all mental disorders by a physiatrist. From there, the patient takes the prescribed dosage and dies peacefully. But the question should people be allowed to end their life with the help of a physician? Is this ethical? The Bible does not allow killing, even if it is compassionate killing. For the Bible states, "Whoever sheds human blood, by humans shall their blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made mankind.” Truly, the Bible states that we should value human life, not end it. Furthermore, there is always the option of palliative and hospice care for the terminally ill patients. All in all, just because it is called compassionate killing does not make it