Ethical Dilemmas In Major League Baseball

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In our case, our All-Star player denies betting on games himself, however, is encouraging his college buddy by providing him with information to use when looking at the betting lines for each of the day’s MLB games. This is very alarming to us, therefore, calling us to take appropriate action. The ethical dilemma is whether we should alert Major League Baseball, encourage the player to immediately stop providing information and not report him, or do nothing around the suspicious activity of our All-Star player who has the betting lines posted on his locker for each of the day’s MLB games. The player ensures that he never bets on any games and just helps a college buddy of his who is struggling financially by providing him information solely …show more content…

When players walk into any clubhouse in any stadium in baseball, they see this rule: "Any player, umpire, or club official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has no duty to perform shall be declared ineligible for one year. Any player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible" (Leitch). This not only truly does damages the fan interest towards the team and league, but also the player, therefore, could ultimately ruin his reputation and jeopardize his future altogether. MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred gives his remarks on sports betting and admits that, "sports betting happens.” "Whether it's legalized here or not, it's happening out there. So I think the question for sports is really, 'Are we better off in a world where we have a nice, strong, uniform, federal regulation of gambling that protects the integrity of sports, provides sports with the tools to ensure that there is integrity in the competition ... or are we better off closing our eyes to that and letting it go on as illegal gambling? And that's a debatable point" (Snyder). Basically, MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred is protecting the integrity of the game and wouldn't impact his standing …show more content…

In order to find the most ethical answer we as a group needed to run each possible conclusion through the model to find out which one was most suitable. The first of possible conclusions we came up with were to report this incident to the MLB, resulting in a long term suspension for the player for violating league rules. When running this through our model it was determined that no, it doesn’t optimize benefits of our organization because it would cause much external issues within our organization. On the other hand, it does respect the rights of our organization by us staying truthful to the league, and lastly the action to report the player is fair because of the violation of the rules. After the end of the model it is determined that this action would be considered ethical. Next, we could encourage the player to stop what he is doing immediately and not report him to save the season and keep the media out of the building. This does indeed respect the rights of the player, but the action is still considered unfair and does not optimize the benefits of the organization. Last, we could do nothing to solve this problem and go on with the season knowing in the back of our minds the player is violating league rules. It was

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