Ethical Dilemmas In The Giver

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Needless to say he will be “released” Those were the words that were spoken when the pilot misread navigational speech and the ceremony. The pilot-in-training had misread his navigational instructions and made a wrong turn desperately the pilot had been trying to make his way back before his error was noticed. Unfortunately in attempting to get back on course. The pilot had flew over the community twice. It was “against the rules for pilots to fly over the community” and when the pilot in questions inadvertently did so he threw the citizens into a panic. When the pilot was reading his navigational instructions he misread the instructions then after that he flew over the community. Even though Jonas “detected an ironic tone” to the voice on the speaker’s final message, to be …show more content…

Release is the term used when member of the community from the book the Giver are sentenced to leave. Most of the member believe that the people that are released leave the community for another place. In reality, the people being released are injected with lethal injection, and their bodies are thrown away. But release can also be a punishment for those who break rules of the community. Larissa, a woman living at the house of the old Jonas took care of her and talked to her when he was helping out there. Since “release” is the term that the community uses for lethal injection, we know that the people who are released die. What happen to their physical bodies after death is not discussed in the book, and whether there is an after-life certainly is not. So physically and spiritually the reader does not have any indication of where these people go after release. The community in The Giver does not discuss death itself. They never use the word, so these conversation about what happens next do not occur either. Body 3 Jonas reactions wasn't a great one cause he thought release was something