Ethical Dilemmas On Abortion

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Abortion: An ethical Dilemma For many people today abortion is a hot topic. There are so many ethical questions that come into play when you begin to talk about abortion and the different circumstances that might lead to having an abortion. In this essay I will talk about the way that I believe God sees and views life and how we are therefor meant to treat it.

Ethical Dilemma When the question of abortion comes into play it is often after a pregnancy that is not wanted. Couples who are actively trying to have a child probably do not think about the possibility of getting pregnant and then choosing whether or not they want to keep the baby. This case involves a couple that has tried to get pregnant for a long time, and when they do they …show more content…

We see in Jeremiah 1:5 “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb” (New Living Translation). As I read this it is so clear to me that God has special intentions for the life of each person that he creates. Choosing to abort a child, whether or not they have mental disabilities, is taking away the chance that they would have to make an impact on the world. We have no way of knowing the way that a persons life will play out or the ways that they can make a difference and choosing to abort a child, in my opinion, is playing God and choosing when a person dies before they have ever had a chance to live.
I also believe that we are to look at the trials that we face in our life and seek God to gain understanding of how we are to meant to use them for his glory. “When troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow” (James 1:2-3, New Living Translation). …show more content…

God appointed this specific women to be this specific child’s mother, not just when it was easy and when things make sense but when things are difficult and when hard decisions need to be made. As a mother you choose how you are going to protect and stand up for your child even when the circumstances that are surrounding them entering the world might not seem fair. Odeth Kantengwa did a study of women who were victims of rape during the genocide in Rwanda and the struggles that they faced in motherhood. Kantengwa (2014) found in mothers that "deciding to carry out motherhood responsibilities generated a resilience among mothers and helped them to have a positive view of their children, who they once thought would bring shame to themselves and their families. Each of these mothers carried the responsibility they had to a child they originally did not want, the same responsibility that each mother has to the child that they did not know they might not want. The best way that someone with a Christian worldview would act would be to choose to have the child despite the difficulties that would come with having a special needs child.
Without question choosing to keep the baby will mean that the parents will need to be prepared for radically changing in their life style as the child get old and will require a different kind of care then a child born