Abortion Research In the year 2014, "The Center of Disease Control and Prevention reported 186 abortions per 1,000 live births" ("Abortion: To What"). This means that every time 1,000 new babies are welcomed into the world 186 have been aborted. An abortion is a medical procedure terminating a pregnancy ("Abortion"). Abortion has always been a controversial topic within the United States; The extent of abortion access is argued by both supporters and critics of abortion. Abortion has been a controversial debate that has gone on for decades. Throughout time, laws and regulations on abortion have changed significantly. The very first law was passed in 1821 where Connecticut passed an anti-abortion law. As of today, our current laws give …show more content…
First and foremost, supporters argue it is a women's right to have an abortion. Women want control over their lives, because it is their body ("Abortion: To What"). Adding on to that, women support abortions to get rights on their decisions on what they do with their pregnancy. Furthermore, allowing abortions has created safer procedures for women to have. Over 47,000 women die each year from illegal abortions ("Abortion"). These illegal procedures can be hazardous causing death and other medical problems ("Abortion: To What"). As a result, giving women the access to abortions creates an end to black alley butchers and prevents the risk of serious health issues. Lastly, restricting abortion access can create a financial burden on families. Some states have placed restrictions on abortions; Without equal access it can create a financial burden on a woman who would have to drive out of state to receive the procedure ("Abortion"). Furthermore, "Majority of women who receive abortions are in low income brackets ("Abortion: To What"). Because a majority of women who want an abortion have a low income, restricting access creates financial issues. Overall, supporters believe access to abortion creates an opportunity to stand up for women's rights and protect their