Ethos Pathos Logos

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Many companies rely on convincing advertisements to grab consumers' attention in today's fast food industry. In this essay, I will analyze the rhetorical strategies used in ads by major food brands like McDonald's, Burger King, and Subway. I will examine a TV, brochure, and digital ad from those three companies. Advertisements from those companies will be evaluated by how pathos, logos, and ethos impact the consumer's behavior. This essay aims to determine how the ads affect and communicate their message to the consumers, and explore alternative ways of interpreting the content. McDonald's TV ads are popular and well-known for appealing to viewers' emotions, logic, and trust. The popularity of McDonalds ads makes it easy for McDonalds to promote their brand. This ad shows a young boy asking …show more content…

But the boy's grandma says there is a burger from your grandpa; this shows a young boy who was upset that his grandpa couldn't eat McDonald's in heaven. The use of pathos in this ad is intentional; in the beginning, it evokes sadness, but later, throughout the video, the mood changes to happiness after the boy gets a burger. Creating this ad shows that McDonald's is a place where, even during sad times, we can build an emotional bond with each other. This ad suggests that a meal from McDonald's is more than just about the food. In a different TV ad, McDonald's uses logos to show the great value of food during that time. The voiceover discusses a current promotion: many food items are a limited-time discount. Showing that McDonald's is affordable gives the viewer a logical reason to buy some

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