
Eulogy For Father

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Protector, provider, care-taker, teacher, and role-model; these are all the things that a father should be. Many fathers these days do not feel the need to take on the responsibility of raising a family. Many of the problems we face today are a result of children growing up without a daddy. Many of the drugs, prostitutes, crimes, and gangs would not exist if fathers just did what they were supposed to do. Today we will hear first-hand about growing up without a father from a man who has agreed to share his story. This man will remain anonymous, so we will call him Randy. Randy knows what it is like to grow up without a father present in his home and how hard it was to see his father again. Randy will tell us how growing up without him affected …show more content…

At first I was excited that another man would want to take the place of a dad that was never there for us. When he was dating my mom, he said all the right things and did all the right things, but after a few years of being married, he became an abusive alcoholic who only loved me when he was drinking. Not to mention, he would show favoritism to his three daughters, my step sisters. It was extremely hard being an only child, but I couldn’t wait to have a family, but this family would turn out to be very dysfunctional. It was the first time I finally had a dad that was always there physically, but he was never there for me to support me, to encourage me, to talk to me, to love me, and to be a role model in my life. He was always either at bars or at work. When he was home, he was always too tired or had other more important priorities. I think it was very confusing also, because I felt like I was going against my dad by accepting this man as my new …show more content…

The reason I say that, is because his love is unconditional, he doesn’t disappoint and he never leaves. He doesn’t disappoint and at the same time, knows how to discipline us because he loves us like a good daddy. But I believe that even if you don’t have a father at home, there are many strong men that can be that father figure everyone needs. I would also have to tell people not to try to find their identity in media, drugs, alcohol, or relationships. God has made you with your own special DNA and the only one you have to please is

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