Eulogy Of Michael's Homelessing

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My nephew Michael has been a blessing in our lives since the day he was born. Even though the circumstances were less than happy. My sisters husband died when she was 2 months pregnant with Michael. That day she got a call saying they couldn 't find Mike, her husband, and she needed to get out there. You can only imagine everything she was feeling as she drove to the his work and what awaited her there was more than enough to last her multiple lifetimes. The only thing that pulled her through and keeps her sane while driving her insane sometimes is my sweet little monkey, Michael. He has truly been a blessing to us all. Just like psalms 127:3 says, "Children are a gift from the Lord, a reward from a mother 's womb." The innocents and kindness of children is what makes the world worth living in. …show more content…

If we didn 't have them then there would be no light in the darkness of everyday. Even for the little bit we have them for, it is a blessing you won 't recognize. Michael is a fireball of energy, laughter, and love. Without him my family 's lives with be boring. He has taught me to love without ending, laugh without fear, and he makes me want to be a better person. I want to make a difference in this world so when it is time for him to go out into it, maybe it will be safer and won 't take away his imagination and everything he has now that makes everyone who meets him, love him. Michael loves to climb and play. He is always on something bouncing around or hanging upside down like a monkey. My heart warms when I see his smile or when he hugs me a huge hug. Although he can be a pain sometimes, I wouldn 't trade him for