European Revolution Research Paper

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There were numerous revolutions in Europe from 1848 to 1870. Although these revolutions manifested themselves in diverse ways, they occurred due to some similar factors at their onset. These factors include social oppression and repression, economic crises, and political change.
Social oppression and repression are defined by two opposing sides, or opinions about how something should be, clashing. This is most definitely seen in the way the European governments of the time were oppressing the lower classes. They did this by repressing political gatherings, which led the people of the lower classes to be antagonized by the oppression of the clergy and nobles. Many governments even armed the middle class against the poor when they revolted.
Economic Crises were an important part of why the lower class even chose to revolt. One economic crisis which shook Europe's economy …show more content…

The common people mostly all fell into the beliefs of nationalism, which was associated with liberalism. The royal line, however, were mostly members of the party named Dynasticism. These sides obviously had directly opposing ideas of the government. Furthermore, there was a rather alarming possibility or result of a revolution in Europe. The countries had a balance of power, which kept them from attacking each other because they would, in turn, be obliterated by the opposing side. If one country were to lower their military power by route of a revolution, then other countries would see the weakness and easily claim the nation for themselves. In order to keep the nation’s downfall from happening, and to uphold the monarchy, the governmental powers decided to brutally obliterate the revolutionaries. Not only was this unthinkably cruel and heartless, but slaughtering their own people made the nation even