
Europian And America Essay

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Art from Europian and America Art is used to express different feelings and views on current events, topics, or issues. One major topic that many artists have focused on is feminism. This topic has been the focus of artist all around the world. In the United States and Britain major feminist movements have occurred through out time where many female artist created works to express their views on womens rights. Artists today also show their support for the fight for equal rights by creating different works to show strong women through out history too. Artists and their art are influenced by the culture and events in the area they live in. Ever since the fight for equal rights for women in the United States had taken off people have shown their support in many ways. One way some women have contributed was by creating works of art. While art is used to express the thoughts and feelings of the artists, female artists used to not get the chance to show their talent. In the case of Margaret Keane, known as the ‘Big Eyes’ painter, her Husband had taken credit for her artwork for years. He convinced her that people would only buy the art if it was under his name because women were not respected, especially in the art world. …show more content…

One well known artist is Margaret Harrison.
“Margaret Harrison is a radical artist whose practice extends through fifty years since the late sixties. The police closed her first solo show in London in 1971 for its representation of men. Humorous, radical, feminist, and immensely skillful her works are currently receiving much acclaim and recognition. Her works are now on show at the Tate Gallery london Her exhibitions are no longer being closed down.” (Margaret,

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