“You Don’t Know Jack” is a film focusing on Jack, the doctor, and his practice of euthanasia. In the film, Jack was the first and only doctor using euthanasia on humans in America. Jack was determined to help people in need of finding their end of life journey, peacefully. Even if he risked his own life; Jack was dancing through loopholes of the law to help his patients. I believe that euthanasia is appropriate in certain, end of life, situations. The same situations that Jack thought were appropriate. People who are terminally ill, suffering, and who lost their quality of life should have the right to euthanasia. The right, as an American citizen, to not to be forced to have an agonized pro-longed death. I believe it should be measured as a crime to make someone live, when the patients defense does not wish to continue their own life. Making someone pro-longed their life without their consent is cruel. …show more content…
I believe the oath needs to be clarified and redone. Does “do no harm” mean doctors should pro-long the life of an individual even if that person believes it would be a horrible burden and waste of time? I strongly believe that “do no harm” should apply to helping a patient end their life in a peaceful way. The only people who should work with euthanasia should be doctors. Not nurses, aids or friends. It is important to remember that the patient must be suffering a terminal illness and are ready to die with dignity. People who are not suffering a terminally ill fate should not be considered for euthanasia. If patients are suicidal they should be recommended to a therapist right