Euthyphro Vs Socrates Essay

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There is a discussion between Socrates and Euthyphro outside the courtroom on the porch of King Archon. The discussion is about what it means to be pious or holy, and its comparison to impious actions. Socrates wants to learn about the definition of being pious, so that he can explain his position for the corruption of the youth. In this courtroom they are both going for a trial. A trial where Socrates is indicted for corrupting the youth, Meletus has accused that Socrates has done the crime of impiety. Euthyphro on the other hand is coming to seek punishment for his father of killing someone. Socrates wants to know from Euthyphro, what is piety? Socrates wants Euthyphro to tell him about the form, however, his intention is to dismiss the …show more content…

God isn’t freely choosing to only command things that reflect his nature, he is saying that his commands must necessarily reflect his nature. Human being are capable of doing evil are apparently more free then god and saying that God’s nature is good and henceforth the act justifies the means, such that the murder dying in the hands of Euthyphro’s fathers who was not attending to the victim of the crime who was in the

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