Eva Moze Kor Book Report

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About the Author: My name is Eva Mozes Kor, and I am from Port, Romania. I am 11 years old, and was liberated from the Nazi Concentration camp, Auschwitz, a little over six months ago.

The first night that Eva Mozes Kor and her twin Miriam arrived at the Auschwitz death camp as 10-year-olds in 1944, she remembers seeing the corpses of three naked children on the floor of a latrine.
At that moment, she remembers pledging to herself with steely resolve: “Miriam and I will not end up on a filthy latrine floor like those children. I never gave up on that.”
That did not not come until more than five decades after the day she and her family were forced into a Romanian ghetto and then shoved into cattle cars for what they believed was a trip to …show more content…

He said the twin experimentation was top-secret and he knew nothing about it, but when she asked him about how the gas chambers operated, he replied, “This is the nightmare I live with every day of my life.”
She had never heard about the collective death certificates before. With some people refusing to acknowledge that the Holocaust ever took place, she knew it was important to hear about the gas chambers from a Nazi doctor.
She asked him to go to Auschwitz with her and sign a declaration about what he told her. He did and after she returned to her current home in Terre Haute, Indiana, she pondered how to thank him. For 10 months, she wondered how to send a thank-you gift to a Nazi and even visited a local Hallmark store and futilely looked at the thank-your cards for more than two hours.
“How do you thank a Nazi? I did not know,” Kor said. Then she said it popped into her head: She would write him a letter of forgiveness.
“I discovered that I had one power left in life. I could forgive the Nazis for what they did to me,” she said in an interview before the event. It took her four months to write the