Evan Walker The Silencer Analysis

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Cassiopeia, the last human on Earth: Evan Walker a silencer of millions, willing to take a million chances all to fall silent. How does someone go from a person whose job is to rid humanity, to someone who’ll do anything to save his humanity? At first site, something in Evan Walker awoke, just as he did: at the implant of the silencer in his once: human body, he told himself he couldn’t kill her, because he needed her to find the others who’d survived: sense humans hung around in clumps; so he stuck to this reasoning to mask the truth: which I found out as he developed as a character: he couldn’t kill Cassie, for inside: the action would crumble him all together. To further prove this, evidence was displayed to me as Evan choose between shooting …show more content…

Furthermore, Evan Walker couldn’t keep killing everyone, and I know this because he always thought about the last one he’d kill, not the first like the rest of the Silencers, but the last: when it’d be over, when he was dead but still alive, for he was no longer pursuing the very thing that made him die little by little daily, and Cassie was that “over” for him. The point where he could no longer keep up: where he’d die if he had to again, killing her with one bullet: would kill him with a 1,000 more, so he’d rather die to let her live, than die himself: before she hit the ground. To Evan, Mayfly, was what made his spirit fly: the person he was willing to die for to feel alive, the person he knew he could never let go of, “Let me go. That’s the whole problem, I can’t” Yancey, pg. 361. The significance of this quote, is the fact that it shows how: Evan was so in love: he knew he wouldn’t be able to let go, and because of this love: he was willing to quit being silencer to be the one