Events That Cause The Haitian Revolution Essay

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Events that cause the Haitian revolution. The French revolution was a key point to the cause of the Haitian revolution civil commissioners sent to St. Domingue by the French revolutionary government. St. Domingue’s white minority split into Royalist and Revolutionary factions, while the mixed-race population campaigned for civil rights. When news of the slave revolt broke out, American leaders rushed to provide support for the whites of St. Domingue. But however a man by the name of Toussaint L’Ouverture was commited to ending slavery. Next cause of the French revolution was the Uprising in northern plain in 1791. After 12 years of sacrifices, war, carnage and betrayals, the revolution which broke out in 1791 in Saint-Domingue had finally succeeded in …show more content…

Britain had sent there troops to Europe but where defeated in battle. Emancipation was key emancipation meant that their was no more slaves and their was equal rights for people of color. Slaves thought owning land was the key to their freedom. Slavery was always a main topic in saint domingue because some wanted to get rid of slavery while some wanted slavery. Spring 1794 Tousaints Louverture changes sides. He changed sides for two reasons, first was he was inform of a further shift in the French Revolution, with the coming to power of the revolutionaries known as Jacobins. And on February 1794 three delegates from St Domingue took their place in the French Convention, it was now controlled by the people of the cities. At the sametime Britian thought they could seize St Domingue, they sent 6,000 men to St Domingue. The bristish war lasted 4 years from 1794-1798. The bristish lost 80,000 men in St Domingue. In April 1798 Toussaint led his men through a victorious battle into the capital, Port-au-Prince, and the British never returned. Mean while the France rulers wanted to restore slavery in St

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