Every Student Can Handle Conflicts Peaceably: Mr. D.

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students that do not hear that message that need to hear it. Many students are told from their parents or peers that they are stupid, or they can’t learn, or that they are incompetent. They hear such negativity on a regular basis. I think that it is important to instill in my students the belief that they all can succeed and I want them to be able to think to themselves, “I may not be able to do this yet but I will be able to do this someday.” Every Student Can Handle Conflicts Peaceably: Mr. D teaches students how to handle conflict without fighting. For example, a student got in trouble for fist fighting with another student at recess. Mr. D found out about it and discussed this issue with the student. He told the class that they can solve …show more content…

D teaches his students that everyone has a right to come to school and be safe. He tells them that they don’t have the right to take that feeling away from anyone. I will never ever tolerate bullying in any form in my classroom. All children have a right to come to school without fear and without feeling ashamed for being who they are. This is an effective use of general teaching practices because according to one large study, “about 49% of children in grades 4–12 reported being bullied by other students at school at least once during the past month, whereas 30.8% reported bullying others during that time” (StopBullying.gov. , September 28, 2017). These statistics are staggering indicating that there is a strong inclination that students in my class will either experience bullying or will bully others at some point. When I become a teacher I want to help prevent bullying by having my classroom engage in activities that will allow the students to see the good in each other. In Mr. D’s class he had students go around the classroom and write down one thing that they like about someone. I really loved this idea. I would like to adapt this idea by having students learn about each other. I think that students’ learning about each other helps to limit bullying behavior and they will begin to see their peers in a different light. I want everyone to realize that they are valuable to our

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