Everyday Use By Alice Walker Analysis

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" Everyday Use," by Alice Walker which is a short story that is told in first person (narrator) by "Mama". The main events (plot) of this short story is about personality and talks about heritage. A old fashion woman who label herself as a large, big boned woman with manly hands , and have qualities of a man . She has two daughters who names are Maggie and Dee. The two sisters are not alike in so many ways. Maggie is the humble sister that have low self esteem about her appearance. She has burn scars down her arms and legs from the fire that burned the other house down. Every since the fire, Maggie walk with her head down without lifting her feet. Mama's oldest daughter Dee is the neat looking one, has style, not scared to make something of herself, but she forgets where she come from. …show more content…

Dee hated the other house that burned down to the ground. Mama used to think she hated her sister Maggie, also. Dee who changed her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo was returning home to visit from school. Mama and Maggie made the yard so clean waiting on the arrival of Dee. The yard was just not a simple yard, it was an open space yard that was comfortable and meant something more to Mama. Dee brings along her boyfriend, short stocky boy with his hair to his navel. He greets Mama and Maggie by speaking (dialogue) "Asalamalakim", but just call him Hakim-a-barber after Mama trip over it several times. Dee brings out two quits, begins to discuss with Mama about having the old quits. Mama had promise to give the quits to Maggie. Mama starts to realize the quits deserve to be with Maggie and gave them to her, instead of Dee the daughter who wants to display the quits as part of her "heritage", rather than putting them to