Everyday Use Response

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Whitley McGovern August 20, 2014 Bufkin Red 4 “Everyday Use” Response “Everyday Use” is a short story that conveys the varying outlooks of three different women, centered around simple, yet significant, objects: quilts. All three of the women hold different opinions in regards to these quilts that had been made by late family members of the women. These opinions reveal major chunks of the women’s characters as well as the artistic importance of these family heirlooms. The quilts represent different things to the three women. Dee believes the quilts represent her view of heritage and should be hung for display; shown off to the world in order to exhibit the roots of African culture. However, Mama wishes for the quilts to be put to use, used for what they were made for and if they fall apart, they fall apart. Mama has already promised the quilts to Maggie, who tells Dee that she can have them if she wants. Maggie values the quilts because of their meaning to her as an individual; she doesn’t care about their aesthetic worth. Her connection with the quilts is much more personal than Dee’s. …show more content…

Mama and Dee clearly have different views on what “heritage” is. To Dee, heritage is about reaching back to African culture and morphing into a member of that culture, even though she has never truly experienced it firsthand. The quilts are the true symbols of Dee’s origins and individuality but she sees them as something impersonal and therefore only envisions their aesthetic and financial value. Mama wants Maggie to have the quilts because she knows Maggie will respect the quilts by using them for what they were intended to be used for: everyday

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