An Analysis Of Anne Wiesel's 'Night'

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In spite of everything, I still believe you will pay attention to how Anne believed that everyone was good at heart. Anne is one of the many victims of the Holocaust and is known as a reminder of the sin that is war. However, her diary shows how it really did not affect her. Let us find out why from her quotes. For this assignment, I gathered quotes from the play and from her diary.

These quotes come from Act One of her diary. "I keep my ideals because in spite of everything I still believe, people are good at heart." What the basic meaning of this quote is, is that she believes no one is really evil. Some details would be that despite the Nazis killing the Jews, she believed they are not truly evil. An example of this is …show more content…

"in spite of any pain, I long for the time I shall feel that secret within me." The basic meaning of this is about the way Anne feels while going through puberty. Details are how she says it is taking place inside which refers to her body changing. An example of this is how many other people have felt about it while going trough puberty. "Perhaps someday I 'll be able to treat others with the same contempt as they treat me." The basic meaning of this is that Anne felt mistreated and she wanted to be able to treat them the way she said they treated her. Details include how she said was raging and how she wanted to yell out "leave me alone!" Examples of this are how when someone can get so mad they break something (I have seen it happen on a video).

Anne, from what her diary shows, is that she was a very optimistic person. However, she could get angry as she said in her quotes. She believed no one was really evil and that they could improve other people and the world. Her diary said she could get angry when she felt she was being misunderstood. Her quotes show how she saw the world and other people. Anne 's life will always be remembered as the terror that war can