Everyone Should Go To College

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Take a minute to think about why you should go to college. Now think about how life would be without it. I want to go to college because I will gain more opportunities in life. I am a independent person but going to college can help others become independent also. College is so important if you want to work somewhere that plays well enough to where you never have to worry about financial issues. In school it is already predicted who is and who is not going to attend college. So another reason you should go to college is to prove those people wrong. Attend college to better yourself because at the end of the day it is your life and your decision,so make the right one. Going to college is important because it helps with financial stability, creates a variety of opportunities, and it is a learning experience. Going to college will help you with financial stability. People with college degrees tend to keep their jobs. “People with master's degrees earn about $88,036 a year, while high school graduates that did not attend college make $43,056” (Federal Student Aid). This shows how a college graduate with a masters degree is making 45% more money than someone that does not attend college. If you go to college you will be making more money …show more content…

My sister is in college and she told me she loves how diverse it is. Another one of the many benefits of college education is meeting others from distant places and different backgrounds. Life is always going to have different races and where you work chances are will also. Going to college and learning how to be and work around different races and languages is so benefiting more than you know. Some will not understand how benefiting college is but your will have to take time and experience it for yourself. It’s the people that didn’t go to college that have negative things to say. Mostly because chances are they were lazy and didn’t do what they were suppose to do in college and Wasted their