Everything's An Argument Analysis

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If everything's an argument, then that means the whole book and title could be an argument. Everything, indeed, is an argument. Before I opened this chubby book, I doubted the title. I thought: “How can everything be an argument? That would mean our days would be spent constantly arguing--mentally or verbally.” However, now I realize that everything’s an argument, but that does not necessarily mean everyone has to argue with everything. As the authors of Everything’s an Argument put it: “arguments are all around us, in every medium, in everything we do,”(5). Arguments are not just in writing but in every form of literature whether that be a movie, play, or essay. The first chapter introduces the readers to a variety of arguments. One that stood out to me, was one that I heard a lot my junior year of high school. They are called the modes of persuasion(ethos, pathos, and logos). When I …show more content…

In my opinion, the strongest of the three that appeal to scholarly writing is ethos. Ethos refers to the writer’s “trustworthiness… or credibility,”(23). Ethos has a lot of power in educational writing because to obtain ethos, you must first be trusted. Perhaps the most appealing mode of persuasion to the public is pathos. Pathos often uses images or dramatic music to appeal to a viewer or reader’s emotions. However, the authors had me thinking about the use of pathos in argument-styled writing: “writers should not use emotional appeals rashly or casually,”(29). As I continued reading, I came across humor in an argumentative-style writing. I never thought it was okay to add some humor into my writing. Often a writer can “slip humor into an