
Evil Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Why do some people seem to get away with doing things that hurt others? Is it because they are evil? Some people may act evil because they view themselves as savages, doing what is necessary to survive in a cruel and brutal world. William Golding's Lord of the Flies demonstrates in the novel, how as a result of human activity, man is intrinsically defective and corrupt. Every age sees a stronger and stronger manifestation of this trend, which fuels a growth in evil and injustice. Ira Sher’s “The Man in the Well” Evil can be found in all of us, even children. They seem to naturally enjoy violence and chaos. Shirley Jackson's “The Lottery” shows that human evil influences individuals to blindly follow others without reflecting on themselves. …show more content…

We also see that it is natural for people to follow an authority figure, even if he or she is illegitimate. This perspective sheds light on why human societies endure - individuals will do whatever is necessary in order for themselves to succeed. This is seen when Jack refuses to give Piggy meat because he is resentful of his connection with Ralph and regards Piggy as an outsider. By mistreating Piggy, Jack gains authority within the gang of lads, as everyone appears to enjoy watching the poor youngster suffer. This is a fantastic example because it demonstrates how individuals are envious of one another and how they treat someone who is superior to them. Moreover, despite Piggy's protests and reliance on the glasses, Jack snatches them from his face and uses them to start the fire. Humans are greedy, therefore if something is excellent for one, he won't care whether it's good for others. Furthermore, Piggy interjects and makes an additional statement while clutching the conch. Roger throws a massive boulder in Piggy's direction, knocking him down the cliff to his death on the rocks below, while Piggy chastises the lads for acting like savages. This shows how people will refuse to admit they’re wrong, even if it means killing the one who is criticizing them. To sum up, because we are greedy, we frequently prioritize our own needs over those of …show more content…

It provides examples of how the kids have exploited the man in the well because he needed their help. The kids took advantage of him, using his need for assistance to take what they wanted from him. The author states, “People can act in cruel ways when they hold power over others. Anyone can be a hero, but it is a choice people have to make.” If a human ever has power over you, they would never care about you. They would basically attempt to take advantage of you in whatever way they could. Additionally, The kids didn’t help the man because they think that this makes them savages. Humans often think that doing evil things makes them look cool, when in reality it just makes them look bad. Along with this, the author mentions the scene that happened “Go tell your parents there’s someone in this well. If they have a rope or a ladder...” he trailed off. His voice was raw and sometimes he would cough. “Just tell your parents.” We were quiet, but this time no one stood up or moved. …” This shows how humans can have no mercy. In short, if you ever can, do not let someone have power over

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