Evil Of Capitalism In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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Author name Upton Sinclair, it is a Political fiction book. It described the horrible condition of meat workers. In that era labors got treated really badly, they didn’t had any safe environment to work in. It explained how backwards we were. We had same circumstances going on in many corners of world. This book was most impactful book of American history. This action brought a direct reform on the meat packing industries, and helped labors. This action should need to explain to our nation, we should understand it, and appreciate that things have changed for us. Jungle is not complicated novel, it explained corrupt Capitalism. It defined how poor people being used, how gross, unhealthy food delivered to nation, and worker survived in poisonous environment. The main theme demonstrated in this book is Evil of Capitalism, because the economic and political system in that era was highly effected to those people who lived in U.S. and those who migrated to U.S. from different places for better …show more content…

After all this demonstrated that poor were unable to fight with power. But if they hold tight with hope they could completed their American dream and obtain better life. They needed new political system which deal with fairness, to given them proper rights and save them from Evil of Capitalism. “All the sordid suggestions of the place were gone—in the twilight it was a vision of power. To the two who stood watching while the darkness swallowed it up, it seemed a dream of wonder, with its talc of human energy, of things being done, of employment for thousands upon thousands of men, of opportunity and freedom, of life and love and joy” (Sinclair Par.8). Here Sinclair used figurative language to describe about packing town, and about the dream Jurgis had when he arrived to American for better life. Moreover, Sinclair defined difficulties that women had to face during that