Evilness In Macbeth

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In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the main protagonist Macbeth seeks a kingly title, but does so in such a way that suggests his fatal and seemingly cruel ambition derives from inherent evilness shown through his callousness despite his reputation. Comparatively, the modern day example of ambition gone wrong resides in the infamous Aaron Hernandez. Corruption is shown through Hernandez’s failure to adhere to law despite his tumultously strict upbringing, with his apparent evilness exemplified through his apathy, turn to addiction, and attraction to the likes of murder. The instinctual evilness shown in both Macbeth in William Shakespeare's Macbeth and Hernandez in Paul Solotaroff “Gangster in the Huddle” shows that despite glory, the downfall of man comes from the …show more content…

This self-made fate relates to Macbeth in how the witches prophesized a certain title for Macbeth and he interpreted his ambition in a way that led to destruction. Although it seems that Hernandez- or Macbeth- hold multiple facets of material honor, the reality is that the sickness of heart that they bear is what they mold their lives around. Despite the titles granted, both men epitomize inner evil which becomes evident through comparison to others of the same fame. In Act IV of the play Macbeth, author William Shakespeare incorporates the motif of appearance versus reality alongside sarcasm in order to exemplify the contrast of goodness and the evil within Macbeth. Shakespeare uses sarcasm in order to transparently display the cynicism surrounding Macbeth's dignity. Malcolm sarcastically suggests that Macbeth is “pure as snow” and a “lamb”. By using similes that regard Macbeth as a spiritual symbolism of purity, Shakespeare shows the reality of his wickedness by exemplifying the disreputation of his projected impression is. Malcolm, describing the reality of Macbeth, calls

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