Evolution By Natural Selection Essay

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Evolution by natural selection is one of the best sustained theory's in the history of science, supported by evidence from a wide variety of scientific disciplines, including palaeontology, geology, genities and developmental biology
Origin of whales: In the first edition of the origin species In 1859, Charles Darwin speculated about how natural selection could cause a land mammal to turn into a whale, as a hypothetical examples, Darwin used North American black bears which where known to catch insects by swimming in the water with there mouths open.
The idea didn’t go very well with the public. Darwin was so embarrassed by the ridicule he received that the swimming bear passage was removed from later editions of the book.
Scientists now know that Darwin had the right idea but the wrong animal: instead of looking at the bears he should have instead been looking at the cows and hippopotamuses
The story of the origin of whales is one of the evolutions most fascinating tales and one of the best examples scientists have of natural selection
With the advent of modern biotechnology, researches have been able to determine the actual sequence of the roughly 3 billion bases of DNA that make up the human genome. They have similarities in the DNA sequences of creatures that are supposedly related …show more content…

When contrasting DNA arrangements between creature taxa, developmental researchers frequently hand select the qualities that are generally shared and more comparative, while giving less regard for classes of DNA succession that are different. One consequence of this approach is that contrasting the more preserved groupings enables the researchers to incorporate more creature taxa in their examination, giving a more extensive date set so they can propose a bigger transformative